
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Please copy and paste this to your status if you are always asked to copy and paste something to your status by folks who copy and paste things to their status. Many people won't copy and paste this to their status, but my true friends will copy and paste this to their status.

Ever notice how much Facebook is like High School?


  1. Joy...cee, I can't believe your post is about FB today! Someone left me a comment, telling me to add a FB button. What the heck does that mean? And how in Heaven's name do I find my "stauts" to paste it to? As far as I'm concerned my status is MARRIED!Since you're so smart at this blogging thing....HELP!...:)JP

  2. I resisted getting on facebook initially. My students at the university insisted. Finally I gave in (2008?) and love it. It is a lot of fun and a great way to stay in touch.
    xo, Cheryl

  3. haha I have a friend who calls it fake book.

  4. gets to me too..all the mindless posting! ;D

  5. My 40th class reunion was held this past weekend in Fayetteville (I wasn't there), and Facebook was a very big part of it. While I have to admit I am not a fan of FB and reluctantly logged on, it was great to see all the photos and comments that were posted. Those of us who were far away could reconnect (or not)and "see" everyone. (Who ARE all those old people anyway??!)

  6. I'm afraid I just don't get the whole Facebook thing, at all. The idea of posting about every fart, just isn't appealing to me. If I had anything interesting to say, I'd post to my blog more often. I'm not knocking or criticizing anyone that likes it, it's just not for me. I feel the same way about Twitter. Yep, I'm a stick in the mud.

  7. crack me up! I can't help but shake my head when someone posts they had a so-so burger at Hardee's for lunch! Duh!
    Or the mommies who can't help but post every five minutes about what Billie has just done that's cute. Oh, wait a minute, that's what I do... but that's what Nana's are SUPPOSED to do!

  8. Thats hilarious! Now, what am I supposed to do with that facebook thingy again?


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