
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What line are you in?

What do you see when you look at this picture, destruction or progress? I asked my oldest grandson Jackson what he saw and he said, "I see destruction, progress shouldn't cause us to take a step back. I'm a tree hugger!" Just like that, he's only 17 and already he knows which line he stands in.

I'm not sure I was standing in lines at 17, I didn't even know my voice might make a difference. That's a little odd since I was a teenager in the 1960's when there was so much unrest. We'd watch the news before we'd sit down to dinner and every night it was the same thing, the war in Viet Nam and riots. We'd sit in silence as we watched, Walter Cronkite delivered the news with the seriousness it deserved. My brother was stationed near Bien Hoa, he served with the Army at the 101st Airborne Division. Bien Hoa Air Base was a major base 1961 through 1973, Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine units were there. In our house we supported the war. It was clear cut and like so many Americans we saw right and wrong in black and white. My Dad would just shake his head when they would show the protesters on TV. He truly, honestly didn't get it. That generation served their country in WWII, in fact my Dad, his brothers and his cousins couldn't wait to graduate so that they could enlist. It was the right thing to do. I'm glad Daddy didn't live to see the mess we are in right now, it would sadden his heart.

Somewhere along the way to 59, I did find my voice though and I haven't shut up. I know that I can make a difference in how I live, with what I buy and who I support. As the candidates start getting in line, I'm taking notes!


  1. Everyone of voting age should be taking notes - lots of them!

  2. I am a tree hugger too as is the Pres! And where we are moving is right among the rest of the huggers!!!...:)JP

  3. this country is in a mess. No God in school,etc. I do what I can and I pray. And pray. And vote!

  4. big tree hugger here but i worked for one of the nation's largest homebuilders for many years. i always felt like such a fraud as i was a huge NIMBY (not in my backyard). :)

  5. I loved this! Taking notes is what I am doing and I told my new Congressman just that when I wrote him recently. He responded with a rather lengthy I am impressed with that at least.

  6. My Dad didn't wait, he lied about his age and joined the Army.

  7. As the candidates line up, I get more and more scared. But I will continue to fill my note book.

  8. Hi Joycee, it's nice to meet you. I'm 59 too!
    The word verification is "hotowel", which strikes me as funny.

  9. I am close to your age and my dad would be furious if he had lived to see our country falling into the pits. It didn't have to come to this. I too am taking notes, I won't keep my mouth shut, and maybe, just maybe, we can turn things around before it is too late. Long live the Constitution!

  10. I'm taking names along with my notes. I'm furious with all those in office right now, as I think they're playing political games and not representing those of us who elected them. I want term limits so we can do away with professional politicians...I NEEDED to say that.


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