
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Slip Sliding Away

The weatherman says two more days of hot weather and then we are turning the corner to cooler temps. Man oh man, this has been the hottest summer on record, I am so ready for fall this year! Don't get me wrong, I still love summer. I love everything about it; I love how the sun bakes my bones (it nearly roasted my brain this summer), I love sitting outside on hot nights under the trees (with sweat dripping off the tip of my nose this summer), and I really love moonlight cruises up the lake (but this summer's heat has kept us inside just like winters' big snows kept us cabin bound).

So I can't wait for that crisp morning air...

...and the turning of the leaves!

The crickets are beginning to lose their voices, have you ever noticed that? Toward the end of summer they quit chirping so loud. It's slow, but day by day there are fewer and the sounds of summer slip away.

The sumac is turning already, bright burgundy berries herald the start of fall here in the Ozarks.

Hunting season (just not here on Granny Mountain) was my Dad's favorite time of the year. He loved the woods and being out in nature, I inherited that directly from him.

This weekend...highs in the 80's, low's in the 60's and Razorback football starts... Woo Pig Sooie!


  1. I am SO ready for Fall! It's my favorite season of all.

  2. I ADORE fall! Our first football game is this weekend, too. IU vs. BSU- my school! GO BSU! Gotta love it! xo, Cheryl

  3. I am looking for those cooler temps that they keep promising, they have to come, sooner or later.

  4. oh yes. please bring on fall! and rain!!!

  5. Don't care about the football, but I love my pumpkins and gourds that are still on the vine.We can see the Sumac up on the ridge, as well.
    I think God makes August REALLY hot, so than we will appreciate the coming of Autumn even more. Oh, I really miss the rain, it has been DRY as a bone in my county.

  6. The people at the top and left of the stadium look like they are sitting in the trees! I can understand why so many like you are ready for some cooler weather. From all reports, it's been very hot in the US. Hotter than we are and we are in the tropics!

  7. I know!! :) Well said, and I agree 200%. Love the pics! (here in mid-MO our forecast says 70's next week during the daytime hours.. neener neener.. lol!) -Tammy

  8. My husband started chopping sileage for the cattle yesterday. Fall is on it's way. We will have bare cornfields before long. I am ready for the fireplace and a good hot cup of coffee. I am ready to bid summer a farewell.

  9. We didn't break 100 today, that's a start! The weatherman keeps saying we may even get some rain. I'm beyond ready for anything but this heat! (as long as it doesn't have a name)

  10. Great post, great pics! Did you know you can pick those sumac berries and make a lemony tea with them?


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