
Thursday, September 1, 2011

We learn things as we get older and we use that wisdom to make good choices.... sometimes. I was led astray a couple weeks ago at the grocery store when I saw up on the top shelf above the chicken stock a new brand of soup mixes. All my favorites; french onion, southwestern corn chowder and tortilla soup. I know, what was I thinking? Nothing from a box or a can or frozen compares with fresh, made from scratch with a pinch of love. But, I bought all three and carried them home waiting for our first rainy day. I don't know about you, but I need a rainy day for soup to taste good. Unless of course I am at Panera and it's accompanied with a turkey and smoked provalone on sourdough, in that case I can eat it on a sunny day.

So, finally, we had rain and I decided I was in the mood for tortilla soup. Delicious, spicy broth seasoned with just the right touch of tomato and ancho chilies, clear almost and light. Dolloped with crema, a sprinkling of crispy tortillas criss-crossing the top.

The mix I bought said add a 15 ounce can of mexican tomatoes and water. I should have known right then and there that I was wasting time and money. In 25 minutes of simmering the broth was a murky brown red with unidentifiable veges in the broth. I went ahead and added my shredded chicken, tasting at the end. Terrible. Now what, eat or throw it out? I am 59 years old and I have drawn the line in the sand, I don't eat bad food anymore. But the voice in my head that belongs to my Mother said, "Waste not, want not." We had tortilla soup for dinner and we were full. I have quite a bit leftover if you are interested...

*To make a good pot of Tortilla Soup go HERE


  1. Times like this is why God gave us dogs.

  2. Sorry you had to go through that Joyce..but worth it for me to get a good recipe for tortilla soup...have never made it but love it!

  3. I love your rule, "I don't eat bad food any more."

  4. Yeah, I'm a, waste not, want not, kind of gal, too! That's why we eat out, most of the time. Plus, when we eat out, I can blame someone else if it isn't great.

  5. I think I'd let someone else try the other 2 packages you bought.

  6. Ya win some and lose some...Nothing ventured nothing gained...etc. etc. I'm always looking for a quick fix so I can exit the kitchen ASAP so that means I've had my share of dining "yukkies" too. It will cause your dh to appreciate your good, home cooking even more, and give you a good excuse to eat a bedtime snack!

  7. Lecture time:
    Start reading the labels,and make a rule that if the sodium is very high and you don't know what half the ingredients are, put it back on the shelf.

    If DH's heart attack taught us anything, it was that.

  8. Sweet Tea...exactly, I need a night off every once in a while so that's what entices me to try something quick to fix!

    Glenda...So true, you pay the price down the line if it's full of fat, salt or sugar. I didn't name the soup mix, it was one of the new "organic" lines that Walmart is carrying. But it still tasted TERRIBLE!

  9. Stink! Oh well...worth a try. Wait to give something new a whirl. And hey, you learned not to try it again, right? not wasted. : )


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