
Friday, September 2, 2011


World's Scariest License Plate

I left PMS at my last house in another town, she stayed behind when I moved to Granny Mountain 6 years ago. I don't miss her, she was not pleasant to be around. She was crabby and moody and hard to get along with. If the sun was shining and she had it in her head to make it a rainy day, she did. If everything was all hunky dorey and she got her nose out of joint, Heaven help anyone who got in her way. She could be mean and ornery if she was a mind to. 
The day the movers came, she was gone and I don't think she knows where I live now.
Please, DO NOT tell her!


  1. Very cute post! I promise not to tell!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Always best to leave some things behind us!!

  3. that's a GREAT license plate!!! ha ha!!!

  4. I know a few women that she visits on a monthly basis.

  5. Too funny, and I'm scared just looking at it even from the comforts of my home!. Please promise to never post the picture of that License Plate again,lol. Richard from the Amish community of Lebanon,Pa.

  6. I feel the same way about my "mentalpause"...though I still don't think I will ever fully recover from it!..

  7. My memories of those days, are very vague, but I'm sure my family has memories of it! What do they call the crankiness and memory loss, afterward? Oh, never mind, I wouldn't remember, anyway.

  8. Cute. I'm glad I've left PMS behind, too!

    xo, Cheryl

  9. Love it. I think shewith me all the time.

  10. cute. My menopause is not gripey but she doesn't sleep and she wants to be fat.

  11. PMS is such a bad girl.
    Your secret is safe with me.

  12. Joycee -- you and that plate are too funny! She still is hanging around me -- I don't know any better and am scared of the next stage of life! Thanks for the laugh! Joni

  13. That's hilarious. I didn't have that happen much with PMS, but some of what you described sounds pretty similar with menopause, which is thankfully over now.

  14. A great thing to leave behind!


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