
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

No Worries!

How much would I have to pay you to do this? Fifty feet up at least, he doesn't even look worried!

Walking along this tree branch confidently trimming with the eye of a professional, I think he told me he'd been doing this for 15 years. Out in nature, up where the birds live...could you do his job? Not me, too skeered of heights, but I'm glad someone can. When we bought this land 7 years ago we weren't thinking about how we'd trim dead limbs on 100 foot trees. One of those "little things" you overlook!

The crew from William's Tree Service showed up early last Thursday and went right to work taking down the dead trees, trimming up the limbs and shredding up the dead wood. It was amazing to watch, like an orchestra of chain saws, tractors and shredding machines! Most of the time I was inside, taking pictures from the safety of the house while they climbed trees...

trimming as they went...

climbing higher and higher until they reached the top.

Ground crews secured the limbs to fall where they wanted, away from the house.

In no time at all, in fact I barely had time to sip my coffee between pictures, they brought down a dead Oak tree that was 50 foot.

The next job was removing the heavy logs to the chipper, everyone worked in sinc to get the job done.

I'm on our first level, he's probably 25 foot up at this point...

Goodbye dead limb that I've looked at for 3 years from my living room window!

This pole saw trimmed away all the branches that weren't neat and pretty, and the ones that had grown a little too close to the back decks.

Another crew shredded the limbs and logs.

Spilling the mulch onto our hillside will improve and hold soil...who am I kidding we have one teaspoon of soil and the rest is rocks here in Arkansas!

The bucket truck made quick work of the dead limbs overhanging our driveways.

Then they started clean-up with rakes, blowers and by 11AM they were gone!

Giving a BIG THUMBS UP TO Williams Tree Service Rogers, AR.


  1. I would be watching all the work from the safety of my living room, drinking an ice tea. Richard

  2. that is awesome! laughed at the 'one teaspoon' of soil... ha!

  3. I'm so impressed by those who can do that type of work.

  4. Very interesting post. We have two beloved trees that need attention but I have a fear that if someone starts cutting away, they will end up looking horrid. After seeing all of your photos, I feel better about calling a true professional and having it done, thanks.

  5. There isn't enough money... :-)

    I hate heights.

  6. After "Ike" came though and did a number on so many trees around here, I got to witness the masterful work these men do. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the entire process.

  7. I think our pecan trees have some disease, I do hate to have them cut down, but we are really considering it. I think they are infested with some kind of bug, the woodpecker drilled holes in one of them so far and it died and came down in a storm.

    No way would I or my DH climb them. Nope.

  8. If I did that I would fall out of the tree and if I didn't fall out of the tree I would cut off my arm or leg or head!

    xo, Cheryl

  9. Looks like they did quite a bit of work AND left it all clean. Nice!

  10. Joycee
    That looks like very BIG job. Now you can rest easier when the storms roll in.
    By the way, your yard is really so lovely. I love the woods!


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