
Monday, February 27, 2012

I do windows!

I have a big job ahead of me this week, window washing. Never mind that we have 28 windows in this house, the biggest problem is that our upper levels are 3 stories up. Don't be thinkin' we live in NYC, Granny Mountain is in the woods on the side of a mountain, that's the reason it's so steep you get a nosebleed in our bedroom! I watched a YouTube video with professional window washer tips, I'll be using their secret cleaner... it's HERE. There's a reason they get paid the big bucks, it's  a little like plumbing, you can read all you want how to put in a little rubber washer but fixing that drip never is as easy as it sounds. So, be praying for me as I tackle the top windows. They actually "tip out" so I'm not going to standing on a ledge like the granny in the picture!


  1. You are indeed brave.....and devoted.

  2. That's one brave granny on that window ledge! No one could get me to do that!! 28 windows. Wow, that's a lot of window cleaning. May it go well for you : )

    1. It's not finished yet, I'll work on the inside today!

  3. Replies
    1. They aren't spot free, but at least I can see out of them again!

  4. You certainly have your work cut out for you. I'm glad to hear the windows on the upper levels tip in for washing. That's going to be a lot of windex and towels to get the done.

    1. I have bought the Windex outdoor window cleaner before, but as high as our windows are it really doesn't do that great of a job. The Dawn and water with a squeegie was much better.

  5. Joycee
    I'll be praying you don't fall out the window!
    I hope your window washing looks better than
    mine-I always end up with streaks!

    1. Well, here I am again this morning... I survived the window washing yesterday! Still have the inside to do today, they look so much better and that makes me happy, happy!

  6. Yikes, you've got your work cut out for you! Good luck!

    1. I've got to get my mojo going, lots of Spring projects to do. Over the winter I turn into a slug!

  7. Whew! I hate to clean windows!

    1. Me too, but I sure like them when they are DONE!

  8. Oh, I have THE BEST thing for never leaves streaks! I have a lot of windows here too but I'm not yet ready for that task!...:)JP

    1. Share please! I did use the Dawn and warm water and they look really clean. In the video, it shows them using the squeegie immediately after they use the soapy solution (no rinsing) so I did it that way. I always rinsed the windows before.


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