
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Out of the blue, in the most unlikely of all places, yet another school shooting has happened in America. Yesterday I was on Facebook when I saw some disturbing posts from Chardon. My daughter's friend Kim was frantic, the idyllic little town her family calls home was upside down with helicopters circling, police barricades and tv cameras everywhere.

Every parent in every town in America can feel the pain and fear that that these families now know first hand. We can't fathom that it would happen here, but neither could Chardon.

Over the next few days they will dissect the possible reasons, already they are saying the shooter was bullied. Some students said they knew he had a bad home life. Even with all the pressures that teens face, none of this makes any sense.

It was sunny and the wind was making the flags over town fly proudly Monday. It felt like just another normal day in our little town and I was thinking how Chardon felt just like this, until yesterday.


  1. i believe we are all capable of that 'snap'. i do pray for everyone affected...

    1. There's just so much stress to life anymore...

  2. My prayers go out to the family and friends of the victims and healing for all.

    1. I can't imagine the grief the families are feeling right now, so young with their lives just taken in an instant.

  3. Replies
    1. I hope they can feel the nation praying for them.

  4. Not sure if I can say this and it be understood, but I think what makes this even more tragic, is that a young person was involved. One that hasn't had to experience all the trials and tribulations in life yet, or learn how to cope with them... and they've already snapped and involved other young people. Now, all those young lives are forever changed.

    1. I can't imagine the frame of mind to commit such an act. He will live with this forever, never being able to forget that horrible day. That is punishment in itself, but for the families that lost their most precious children in this violence... there has to be more that's done, punishment that is appropriate for such a crime.

  5. Hearts were very heavy, once again, yesterday. Such a needless tragedy ... God bless them all.
    Hope all is well with you.
    Have a great eve ~
    TTFN ~

    1. So true Marydon, I can feel the anguish and it makes my heart so sad that our nation is falling apart. This picture of Lady Liberty crying is how we are all feeling right now.

  6. I just saw this on the evening news - how terrible for everyone. There's no understanding something like this at all.

    1. My friend that lives at Chardon said the prayer service they had as a community last night was healing, but after something like this happens you can never go back to the way it was. The quiet little town of Chardon, Ohio will forever be known for this horrible act of violence and all of the good that it once was is overshadowed. I just pray for comfort during this most difficult time for all of them.


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