
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Spring Fever

I went by the Farmer's Co-Op last week and thumbed through the seed packets. Just in planning mode at this point, but it won't be long until Old Man Winter packs his bags and leaves our part of the country. Spring Time is just around the corner in all her green glory. I can't wait!

I have lots of plans this year, I keep seeing great ideas in magazines and on Pinterest. I love the idea of re-purposing something old and it seems I'm not the only one. It just brings a smile to your face to see something like this old chair, painted and pretty again, filled with
petunias and sweet potato vine.

I'd love to have a little potting shed at the edge of our woods, haven't mentioned it to Jerry yet... finding just the right time!

The best thing worst thing about having country property is that you have the resources available to you to "make" whatever you want, i.e. rocks, timber, even some plants. The reality of how much hard work making your own Shangri La is the only thing stopping us most of the time.

That, and flat land. When we lived in town I longed for a mountain, now that we live on a mountainside, I look at pictures like this and sigh... it's that
"Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side" thing!

I do want a Bottle Tree like Aunt B.'s
I need to ask her where she found her blue bottles...

For now this will have to satisfy me! Maybe I could help Old Man Winter pack his bags...


  1. Replies
    1. I am so anxious for Spring! Feel this way every year and can't wait to get started on outside projects...

  2. I could look at photos like this for hours. So relaxing and peaceful. Love them. Now to get the look you want. Maybe just a little bit from each picture.

    1. Me too, I like all of them. We need to do steps down the West side of our house, very steep so that idea with the stones and the tree trunk railing would be PERFECT! Wish I had an on staff gardener to do everything I want in the yard. In reality, we are the gardeners!

  3. oh, you do have some spring fever brewing...

  4. OMG, that potting shed is so...dreamy!
    I'm more than ready for spring too.

    1. How great would that be to have a little potting shed with all my things in one place?

  5. These pictures are so lovely. I cannot wait to get to planting!!!!!

    1. Me too, we have a busy spring ahead of us with painting, planting and adding mulch.

  6. Don't laugh... I've have been contemplating, for years, using our old toilet as a planter when we replace it, with plants in the bowl and tank. Okay, you can call me white trash now! LOL!

    1. I've seen those in many gardening magazines, you are not white trash! Would be unique, that is unless someone else in the neighborhood does it first!

  7. I've been thinking and planning as well...I'm ss anxious as you are, Joy!...:)JP

    1. This really has been a "short" winter for us, not much bad weather at all yet I'm just as anxious for it to be OVER!

  8. What lovely photos -- I just love gardening and the outdoors. Spring is still a couple months off for us and although we've had a pretty mild winter, we're ahead in snow because the storms we've had have been doozies :)

    So nice to meet you Joycee -- count me a follower :)


  9. I've always wanted both a bottle tree AND a tire planter so I guess I'm not going to win any awards for formal gardening!!

  10. So nice to meet you! We are 2 peas in a pod....and guess what, we have a blue bottle tree!
    We call it wine on a stick...haha!

    1. Wine on a stick, love it! I have Spring Fever bad... too early to garden here so I just window shop at garden sites. Wyatt, you are one cool dog!


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