Friday, September 28, 2012

Rotten Apples

It's hard to pick up a paper or turn on the tv or even to get on Facebook right now. We are in the midst of another election year and it brings out the uglies. The ugly comments about the way "All Republicans are" or "All Democrats are." There's a need to lump them together when one bad apple is found. I don't know about you, but when I find a rotten apple in the barrel I throw it away but I keep the good ones! It can cause even good friends to get their "feathers fluffed." I have to adopt a don't read policy and I work at keeping my opinions to myself. "Work" because that's not the easiest thing to do!

When I first started blogging, I was blindsided one morning with an ugly comment about how the sun must always shine on Granny Mountain, no bad news ever in Blogland. It came out of no where, anonymous of course. I don't remember what the post was about, probably pictures I'd taken and posted with memories or observations since that's what the bulk of my blog is about. Whatever, to that reader all they could see was my pretty header pictures, and they assumed that my live was sunny and perfect. No one's life is perfect. In Blogland, you don't have to look very far to find the reals. We may talk about the county fair or what we had for dinner last night, but eventually we peel the onion and get down to what we really want to talk about.

Sometimes we don't even know it's in us, but with post we etch away until it's on the surface and we can share what we needed to say all along. For me it's senior issues that I've had to face since Mom and my Father-in-law have developed dementia/Alzheimer's. I also like to blog about the good things in my community, the businesses that give more than they take, the restaurants that feel like home and the pretty in my world. The sky is blue on Granny Mountain, but make no mistake there are gray days too. I just wear my rose colored glasses on those days!


  1. This election must be the dirtiest in history! Richard

    1. It has been, needless I think because it turns me away from a candidate that engages in that activity.

  2. You know, we get enough negativeness in life outside of blogging. I love your blog because it is always so honest and uplifting. Also full of funs things. I love it and hope to actually get to meet you someday since we live so close to one another.

    1. Isn't that the truth! As hard as it is, no sense to re-hash the bad. Thank you for coming to visit me and I'd love to meet you in person someday... we don't live that far from each other!

  3. It is easier to be negative than positive. As you said we all have the rough spots in our road, but they can be eased a little when viewed with a little bit of a positive attitude.... and sometimes lots of prayers. Enjoy the best parts of your day!!

    1. That's key, prayer is our best option but often we think of that last! I know I'm guilty. I can take so much and then it really makes me cranky, politics!

  4. Wishing you lots of sunshine on Granny Mountain! Your blog is a bit of sunshine in my day! Thanks for being positive!

    1. Thanks sweetie, it's true... it can make a difference if you look on the bright side. But some people just never get it, they go through life complaining about the things they don't have rather than seeing the many blessings they do have.

  5. I enjoy your sunshine! Some people just can't stand for someone else to be positive.

    1. It's true, and for the life of me I can't understand how someone wants to go around with a cloud all the time! Glad you see that glass half full too!

  6. Joy, you are a joy and I don't think anyone would enjoy reading a 'whiners' blog. I must admit though, I'd enjoy reading someone's blog who was sarcastic, but in a funny way. Don't you just want to cuss out the anonymous commentators?

    1. Well, I agree perfectly and I want to share that my husband is just that person who could write sarcasm with the best of them in a very humorous way! He doesn't have the time now but when he retires I think it would be good for him to have an outlet like a blog. It's a great feeling to be editor-in-chief, isn't it?!!

  7. I love reading about your sunshiny days and I hope you have more of those than any other kind!

    The remark about the politicians was very fitting. Yesterday day my Sis who is a very strong Democrat had posted a picture of President Obama on her Facebook page under "Likes". I told her (sort of joking)that it almost kept me from 'friending' her. We have some very heated discussions. I did tell her I couldn't find any Republicans I would put on there either! This time around neither side has impressed me at all.

    Sure hope I don't catch any flack from this comment.

    1. I got my nose out of joint after a conversation with my sister-in-law last week. She and I do not see eye to eye on politics, the difference is that she can't keep from voicing her dislike of my party! I can see the writing on the wall though, I'm afraid we are in for 4 more hard years. I hope I'm wrong.

  8. Hey, if the sun always shines on Granny Mountain, then that's good! That's the way life is supposed to be. And you well know, the way I like it. Don't let them bring you down.

  9. I won't, and don't! Blogging is too much fun to let the rotten ones spoil the whole barrel! I am like the three monkey statue... I have my hands over my ears until the election is over!


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