Friday, November 2, 2012

Early Voting

You're either like Maxine or you know someone just like her... or both! The older I get, the more I LOOK just like her : ) sigh~  Mornings my get-up is pj's, pink houseshoes and if I get cold while surfing the net, I add a sweater from the hall closet. When I was younger, I would have literally died if someone caught me in this homeless person outfit... now not so much!  We live far enough out in the country that unannounced company just doesn't happen, good thing!

And then there are the people who are LIKE Maxine; brassy, bossy... they shoot from the hip. They don't have any problem letting you know their view on politics or religion. I have one person in mind here... she boldly told a neighbor she didn't like her landscaping, or the mix match cabinets in their kitchen. Hey, that is actually a trend Maxine! Can you imagine letting loose like that on someone? We might want to, but manners prevent us from going there.

Watching the debates reminds me that a little Maxine is not a bad thing. If we don't stand up for what we believe to be important, then we blend with the masses. "Toot your horn" my Dad used to say. We voted last Saturday to miss out on the crowds that I expect will be there come election day. Last week I noticed a lot of cars around City Hall on that first day of early voting. That's a real good indication that we all want to have our voice heard this election. Make sure your vote counts! 


  1. Joy, I have already voted too. That privlege is one no one should take for granted. Also, I love Maxine. She says what we all want to but just don't.

    1. We vote early to avoid the crowds, it was less than 5 minutes of our time! I love living in a small town, it would kill me to have to wait a long time for anything...

  2. LOL, sometimes you have to leave that "filter" in place, not to hurt someones feelings. Glad you voted, I did too by absentee.

    1. I practice my "filter" all the time, it's hard though!

  3. That Maxine says what I think but would never come out of my mouth. (good upbringing) We plan on voting on Tuesday!!

  4. Maxine is who I am inside.....and sometimes outside minus the cigarette!

    I have a great aunt, though, who is a constant reminder to me not to get too eccentric as I age (even more).

    Wonder how the election will turn out........

    1. LOL! I have to stifle myself these days with the election or I get my nose out of joint!


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